The translation of Vinyasa means to place in a special way. This placement is not arbitrary, and you find your true flow when things fit together and function well particularly yourself.

Katonah Yoga® gives us the tools and techniques to explore the forms (postures) in an inFORMative way that offer insights into our bodily patterns. To have a FORMidible practice you need to harness the steadiness of geometry.

In this yoga workshop, we will focus on how to self inform rather than just perform in our practice. We will explore how geometric integrity and the theory of Katonah yoga will give you a more well-adjusted and informed dynamic vinyasa experience.

Katonah Yoga is a commingling of Hatha yoga poses integrated with theories of sacred geometry to help develop stability and dimension. It has a Taoist philosophy to help observe how we conform to nature’s patterns in our bodies.

The practice is also peppered with Pranayama and Kundalini that moves breath through our physical terrain, serving as a conduit between the body and mind, soothing the soul. The goal of the practice is to become whole, in order to live a life of integrity and happiness.

Open to both teachers and students who are curious to explore this methodology more.



Topic: Yoga Zoomshop
Hosted By: lisa dunn
Start: June 13, 2020 @3:00 pm
Duration: 2 hours 0 minutes
Current Timezone: Europe/London

Note: Countdown time is shown based on your local timezone.

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