Fits and Folds – An Introduction to Katonah Yoga

30th July 2023 2-5pm

Space Studios – St Augustine’s Centre, Stanford Avenue / Florence Road, Brighton. BN1 6EA

A next level yoga experience from New York 

Learn how to fit yourself so you are well informed with your yoga experience, gaining greater competency to infuse your practice with dimension, energy, and refinement.

Join Lisa Dunn and  Di Dearle for the first ever collaboration, the UK’s only Katonah teachers.

What to expect:

Katonah yoga is a integration of Hatha yoga with theories of sacred geometry to help develop stability and dimension. It has a Taoist philosophy to help observe how we conform to nature’s patterns in our bodies.  The practice is peppered with Pranayama and Kundalini that moves breath through our physical terrain, serving as a conduit between the body and mind, soothing the soul.

In this Katonah Yoga workshop you will explore techniques of geometric measure. If a pose is measured well the body is supported by its own structure rather than relying on muscle. By reforming our body’s unconscious habits and introducing more informed and efficient patterns, yoga becomes origami for the body – get the first fold right then the  rest falls into place.  Learning to fit yourself sets up conditions for greater self-knowledge and a more expansive vision, which leads to personal change.

  • Through the use of props to help scaffold the body we learn where we like to go and where we don’t!

  • Using the metaphor of Our Body as a House you get to organise, spring clean and ventilate the body to enjoy living fully in your abode.

  • Learn to manipulate the breath to fill your tank and harness the potential of your true power.

With Katonah yoga’s unique and potent physical assists you will be taken to new places and may even have some epiphany moments!

This workshop is open to both teachers and students who are curious to explore the maps of the mind and body.

Investment £60 / £50 Concessions – please get in touch

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